السبت، 18 أغسطس 2018

Warehouses Construction

هناجر|Steel Structure

Hangar Contractors

Design and construction

Hangar for

Warehouses - Factories - Exhibitions - Maintenance Centers - Halls - Mall - Hyper - Refrigeration Warehouses -

Medical Warehouses - Chemical Warehouses -

We operate in all areas - large areas

0556267500 - 0504687341

Manaf Al - Mohdhar Contracting Est

Implementation of the highest standards


Hangar Contractors

Design and construction

Hangar for

Warehouses - Factories - Exhibitions - Maintenance Centers - Halls - Mall - Hyper - Refrigeration Warehouses -

Medical Warehouses - Chemical Warehouses -

We operate in all areas - large areas

0556267500 - 0504687341

Manaf Al - Mohdhar Contracting Est

Implementation of the highest standards

الأربعاء، 15 أغسطس 2018


Hangar Contractors
Design and construction
Hangar for
Warehouses - Factories - Exhibitions - Maintenance Centers - Halls - Mall - Hyper - Refrigeration Warehouses -
Medical Warehouses - Chemical Warehouses -

We operate in all areas - large areas
0556267500 - 0504687341
Manaf Al - Mohdhar Contracting Est
Implementation of the highest standards

السبت، 4 أغسطس 2018


مقاول هناجر
مستودعات - مصانع - معارض - مراكز صيانة - قاعات - مول - هايبر - حظائر مزارع دواجن 
كيربي - الزامل - بتلر - الشاهين 
ننفذ بكافة المناطق 
مساحات كبيرة فقط 
0556267500 - 0504687341 

نسعد بخدمتكم 

Warehouses, factories, exhibitions, maintenance centers, halls, mall, hyper, poultry farms


هناجر from مؤسسة مناف المحضار للمقاولات https://ift.tt/3mFwLB8 via IFTTT